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Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
11 (2024) Trang: 2303193
Tạp chí: Cogent Arts & Humanities

the primary objective of this investigation is to attain a profound understanding of thefavored english language acquisition strategies of self-identified extroverted learners inVietnam. employing a mixed-methods paradigm, the study used both surveyquestionnaires and qualitative interviews to gather data. the research participants,majoring in english, were instructed to self-determine their extroversion inclinationbased on the Myers–Briggs type indicator (MBti). the sample encompassed 17self-proclaimed extroverted students, with a deliberately selected subset partaking inthe qualitative interview segment. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptivestatistics to understand extroverted students’ preferences for different strategies. thequalitative data were further analyzed through thematic analysis, providingcomprehensive perspectives on the students’ experiences and proclivities. Findingsrevealed that extroverted students favored cognitive, compensatory and metacognitiveapproaches. the implications of this research bear significant importance for languageeducation, particularly in regions where english proficiency is paramount for economiccompetitiveness and scholarly achievement. By discerning the preferred learningstrategies of extroverted students, teachers can devise captivating lessons, administertargeted feedback and advocate efficacious techniques that nurture self-awareness,growth and evolution. this may culminate in a more personalized and effectivelanguage learning experience, intensifying motivation and success in languageacquisition. the study contributes to the overarching knowledge and apprehension oflanguage learning, offering valuable insights for future research in the discipline.

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