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Tạp chí quốc tế
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Kỷ yếu HN quốc tế
Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
14 (2023) Trang: 1363-1374
Tạp chí: Journal of Language Teaching and Research

The current study endeavors to investigate the preferred English language learning strategies among individuals who self-identify as ambiverts. A mixed-methods research design, comprising a survey questionnaire and follow-up interviews, was implemented to gather data from a sample population of 68 English-major students, of which 22 self-identified as ambiverts. The study aimed to elucidate the influence of the balance between introversion and extroversion on ambiverts’ favored learning strategies and to examine the benefits this balance provides in terms of selecting strategies that are best adapted to their unique needs and preferences. The results demonstrate that ambiverts favored affective learning strategies, such as musical accompaniment and positive self-talk, as well as compensatory strategies, such as deductive reasoning and seeking assistance. Furthermore, ambiverts displayed a proclivity for metacognitive strategies, including the recognition of faults and focusing on specific tasks, and memory-related strategies, including the utilization of color-coding and the integration of images and keywords. The study also revealed that social strategies, such as collaboration with others and seeking clarification, were favored by ambiverts, emphasizing the significance of interaction and engagement in the learning process. These findings have important implications for language educators and may inform the development of more inclusive learning materials that cater to a broad range of learning styles, including ambiverts, and enhance the effectiveness of language instruction.

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