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Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
6 (2023) Trang: 21–31
Tạp chí: Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities

Introduction: This study concentrates on EFL teachers, whose unique viewpoint provides rich insights into personal branding. Given their profession’s emphasis on cultural adaptability, interpersonal communication, and personality projection, the ramifications of personal branding are especially pertinent. Moreover, as facilitators of English— the widely recognized global lingua franca— their experiences encompass a broad spectrum of cultural and social nuances.


Objectives: The objective was to uncover the nuanced experiences and perceptions that these teachers have towards personal branding, particularly concerning the challenges and benefits associated with it.


Methods: This research employs a design within the qualitative research framework to delve into the perceptions and experiences of EFL teachers concerning personal branding on social media. The study examines the complex phenomenon of personal branding among twelve EFL teachers in Vietnam, encompassing diverse stages of their careers. To gather rich, in-depth data, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were employed, providing an opportunity for participants to reflect and share their experiences and perspectives.


Results: Results from the study indicate that EFL teachers encounter various challenges when engaging in personal branding. These include balancing personal and professional identities, managing diverse audiences, adhering to cultural norms, ensuring online privacy, and acknowledging the potential for self-delusion. Interestingly, the study also underscores the role of personal branding as a catalyst for professional development and lifelong learning. Despite these potential benefits, concerns surfaced regarding time management and the potential impact on teachers’ psychological well-being.


Conclusion: The findings from this study provide a valuable contribution to the existing literature on personal branding in educational settings. They also highlight important considerations for teacher training programs, institutional support structures, and policy-making decisions. To further enrich the understanding of personal branding, it is recommended that future research explores this phenomenon in different cultural contexts and professional fields.

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Vietnamese | English

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