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Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
11 (2024) Trang: 2308758
Tạp chí: Cogent Arts & Humanities

This qualitative study investigates the impact of the Japanese comic series ‘Doraemon’ on the maturity process of Vietnamese teenagers. Employing semi-structured interviews with nine Vietnamese adolescents, the research explores how this popular media influences cognitive, moral, social, and cultural development. The thematic analysis reveals four key findings: the enhancement of problem-solving skills and creativity, the development of moral reasoning and ethical decision-making, the shaping of social relationships and emotional intelligence, and the influence on cultural identity and global perspective. The study finds that ‘Doraemon’ inspires creative thinking and innovative problem-solving, resonating with developmental psychology theories on cognitive growth during adolescence. It also plays a crucial role in moral development, presenting complex ethical dilemmas that encourage reflective thinking. Furthermore, ‘Doraemon’ positively impacts social and emotional skills, aiding in the development of empathy and effective management of social relationships. Lastly, it fosters a broader understanding of cultural diversity, influencing the participants’ global outlook and cultural identity. This research contributes to the understanding of how specific media content can influence adolescent development in diverse cultural contexts. It highlights the potential of comics as tools for cognitive and moral development, social and emotional learning, and in fostering global cultural awareness. The findings have implications for educators, media producers, and policymakers in considering the role of media in adolescent development.

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