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Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
10 (2024) Trang: 101005
Tạp chí: Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering

The present work aims to investigate the effect of foam-mat drying on drying rate and lycopene content of tomato powder using a three-level Box-Behnken experimental design of Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Three process parameters included egg albumin (EA) ranging from 3 to 9 % as a foaming agent, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) from 0.2 to 0.6 % as a foam stabilizer and drying temperatures (60, 70, and 80oC). The responses measured drying rate (DR) and lycopene content, which are the indication of drying process and product quality. Optimization of drying process using RSM and artificial neural network coupled genetic algorithm (ANN-GA) models has been also investigated. Foam mat dried tomato powder produced under optimal conditions was then used to prepare a nutritious soup powder with 4 designed recipes with other nutritious ingredients. The results showed that the ANN-GA model (network structure of 3-10-2) could predict and optimize better than the RSM model. The optimal conditions for foam-mat drying process were EA of 6.67%, CMC of 0.381%, and drying temperature of 70.6oC. These gave the DR and lycopene to be 3.004 g water/g dry matter/min and 392.8 μg/g, respectively. Validation optimal condition was performed and showed that the experimental values obtained were greatly close to the predicted values. From the 4 designed soup formulas, the macronutrient content in formula F2 met the range for AMDR with the percentage of calories from protein, lipid, and carbohydrate being 21.28%, 20.28%, and 58.44%, respectively. It was proven that ANN-GA is a more reliable and robust predictive modelling tool for foam-mat tomato powder production optimization compared to RSM model. Also, the promising application of tomato powder in nutritious soup production also was shown in this study, which could further research in larger scale.

Keywords: Tomato, foam-mat drying, soup, optimization, artificial neural network, genetic algorithm

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