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Tạp chí khoa học ĐHCT
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Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
23 (2024) Trang: 5-14
Tạp chí: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria

Background. The economic worth of moringa leaves may increase if drying is applied to the leaves to produce a powder. This is a source that can be applied to a variety of food products instead of using it as animal feed or discarding it. In addition, the key factors that affect a product’s quality and impact on the environment are its energy consumption and quality change.

Material and methods. In this study, the impact of various drying temperatures (55–70°C) on kinetic behaviour, effective moisture diffusivity coefficient (Deff), activation energy (Ea), specific energy consumption (SEC), rehydration index, hunter whiteness, and gas emissions was evaluated.

Results. Seven models were applied and fitted on actual data for the drying process. Among these, Page showed the best fit, with high R2, low RMSE (Root-mean-square error), and low Chi-square. The results showed that Deff and Ea values were 8.36 × 10–12 – 1.22 × 10–11 m2/s and 20.14 kJ/mol, respectively. The energy consumption of drying the moringa leaves ranged from 39.92 to 154.01 kWh/kg. The high in hunter whiteness and low in gas emissions were found when the sample was dried at 65–70°C.

Conclusion. The grade of dried moringa leaves and the amount of energy used were both significantly influenced by temperature. Additionally, the first data concerning the amount of energy used to dry moringa leaves also offer greater details on the impact of drying on environmental carbon emissions. To ensure sustainable agricultural production in the future, research aiming at enhancing product quality and reducing environmental consequences should be carried out and put into practice.

Keywords: drying model, energy consumption, kinetic, moringa leaves, sustainable

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