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Tạp chí khoa học ĐHCT
Tạp chí tiếng anh ĐHCT
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Tạp chí quốc tế
Kỷ yếu HN trong nước
Kỷ yếu HN quốc tế
Book chapter
Tạp chí quốc tế 2024
Số tạp chí Lastest articles(2024) Trang: 1-19
Tạp chí: International Journal of Lifelong Education

This qualitative research delves into the intricate transitional experiences of Vietnamese students during their first year in higher education (HE). Grounded in the dynamically shifting socio-cultural landscape of Vietnam, the study captures the narratives of 15 students, emphasising the unique challenges faced by those from the Mekong Delta region. Utilising a robust analytical blend of sociocultural theory, transition theory, and constructivist grounded theory, the research surfaces seven poignant themes. These are: (1) ‘Cultural Dislocation’, capturing the tension between traditional values and modern, global influences; (2) the ‘Struggle with Academic Independence’ highlighting the challenges of autonomous learning; (3) the intricacies of navigating ‘Interpersonal Dynamics in Diversity’ in a multicultural academic environment; (4) the evident ‘Digital Divide’ accentuating the disparities in technological access and proficiency; (5) the delicate act of ‘Balancing Commitments’ between academic pursuits and deeply rooted familial responsibilities; and (6) the profound ‘Quest for Autonomy and Identity Formation’, signifying the transformative nature of HE as a space for profound self-discovery and personal growth. While offering specific insights into the Vietnamese context, the study resonates with global academic transitions, underscoring the urgent need for holistic educational approaches that address the diverse challenges and aspirations of contemporary students.

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Vietnamese | English

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