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Book chapter
Tạp chí quốc tế 2024
Số tạp chí 25(2024) Trang: 3585-3595
Tạp chí: Biodiversitas

The rhizosphere is the microenvironment for interactions between plant roots and surrounding microbes. Rhizospheric fungi play a vital role in plant growth through various mechanisms. The aim of this study was to isolate and identifythe fungi from the soil around the root of Nanhaia speciosa (Champ. ex Benth.) J.Compton and Schrire and to test their ability to degrade insoluble phosphate, cellulose, and xylan. The result showed that a total 72 fungal species were isolated from the soil of the rhizosphere of N. speciosa. These isolates  belonged  to  six  genera,  namely Penicillium, Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Talaromyces, Purpureocillium,and Chaetomium. Results showed that 50% of the isolated strains belonged to the genusPenicillium.Moreover, it was also recorded that out of 10 fungal strains, only five fungal strains produced the phosphate decomposition enzyme (+), with the Tv-LHOP3 (Trichoderma virens LHOP3) andTk-LHOP1 (Trichoderma koningiopsis LHOP1) strains expressed the highest phosphate solubility with the PSI of two strains were 2.22  and  2.18,  respectively.  All  strains  exhibited  cellulose  ability, Pj-LHOP2  (Penicillium  janthinellum LHOP2)showed the highest degradation  ability  with  a  halo  diameter  of  7.52  cm,followed  by  strain Tk-LVHOP1  (Trichoderma  koningiopsis LHOP1)with  a diameter  of  7.38  cm.  The  xylan  degradation ability  test demonstrated that  the  strain Tv-LHOP2  (Trichoderma  virens LHOP2)had  the highest  halo  diameter  of 8.87 cm,  followed  by Tk-LHOP1  (Trichoderma  koningiopsis LHOP1)  had 8.80  cm and  Tv-LHOP3 (Trichoderma virens LHOP3)had halo diameter of 8.63 cm. These findings suggest the potential of these fungal strains as biofertilizers to  enhance  nutrient  availability  and  promote  sustainable  agricultural  practices,  particularly  in  improving  the  growth  and  yield  of medicinal plants like Nanhaia speciosa.

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