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Kỷ yếu HN quốc tế
Book chapter
Tạp chí quốc tế 2022
Số tạp chí 15(2022) Trang: 2551-2559
Tạp chí: AACL Bioflux

Within the framework of the project to investigate the current status of artisanal sea
cucumber fishing and the composition of species in Nam Du Island, Kien Giang Province, the nutritional
values of seven common species of sea cucumbers (Holothuria atra, H. leucospilota, H. scabra, Stichopus
hermanni, S. horren, S. monotuberculatus and S. variegatus) were assessed in this study. The results
showed that the proximate composition and amino acid profiles of these sea cucumbers studied greatly
varied among species. Average contents fluctuated as follows: moisture from 87.5 to 92.3%, crude
protein from 41.3 to 55.3%, crude lipid from 0.93 to 3.01%, ash from 18.9 to 37.1%, fiber from 0.32 to
0.48%, carbohydrates from 4.79 to 31.3%, calcium from 0.92 to 4.58% and phosphorus from 0.35 to
1.06% of dry weight. Overall, all species of sea cucumbers analyzed have high protein contents and low
lipid levels. Moreover, total essential amino acid (AA), non-essential AA and total AA were in the ranges
of 6.91-8.94%, 15.65-19.86%, and 23.11-28.80% of dry weight, respectively, of which H. scabra and H.
leucospilota contained significantly higher levels of essential AA than other species. These two species
are recommended as the healthiest food for human consumption.
Key Words: sea cucumber, proximate composition, amino acid, Nam Du Island

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