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Book chapter
Tạp chí quốc tế 2022
Số tạp chí 34(2022) Trang: 1-5
Tạp chí: Livestock Research for Rural Development

The experiment was to evaluate the effect of high saline water and goat breeds on intakes, weight gain and stress hormones. This study was conducted on 20 goats consisting of 10 Bach Thao goats with an average body weight of 16.46 kg and 10 Boer crossbred goats, with an average body weight of 21.60 kg. The experiment was a completely randomized design and the treatment arrangement was a 2 × 2 factorial, first factor is breeds (Bach Thao and Boer crossbred goats) and second factor is diluted seawater levels (fresh water, DSW0.0 and 1.5% diluted seawater, DSW1.5). The results showed that there was an effect of diluted seawater on dry matter intake (DMI), water intake (WI) and weight gain in Boer crossbred goats. But diluted seawater in drinking water did not effect on DMI and weight gain in Bach Thao goats. Plasma cortisol and HSP70 concentrations were not affected by breed or diluted seawater. The current study suggested that Bach Thao goats were more tolerant with diluted seawater than Boer crossbred goats.

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Vietnamese | English

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