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Book chapter
Tạp chí quốc tế 2022
Số tạp chí 12(2022) Trang: e4940
Tạp chí: Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences

White radish sliced at 4 mm thickness was dehydrated by traditional osmotic dehydration (TOD) with nine types of osmotic solutions prepared by a randomized combining three levels concentration of sucrose and sodium chloride. The mass transfer characteristics were evaluated through the moisture diffusivity (Dm) and solid diffusivity (Ds), the fit of model was also estimated based on three popular models, including Newton, Henderson, and Pabis and Weibull. The results showed that white radish had the highest Dm and Ds value in the 4% salt and 15% sucrose solution, which presented that the fastest transfer process occurred in this solution. In addition, the Weibull model was the best model due to the highest R2 and the lowest root mean square error and chi-square, which means this model could fully describe the mass transfer (moisture/solid transfer) behavior of white radish.

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