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Tạp chí khoa học ĐHCT
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Kỷ yếu HN trong nước
Kỷ yếu HN quốc tế
Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
3 (2024) Trang: 8-14
Tạp chí: Bảo vệ Thực Vật
Liên kết:

Abstract The bronzing fruit disease is the most important disease effect on the productivity and quality of jackfruit in almost growing areas of Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries. The study vas conducted from isolation, identification the causative agent of bronzing fruit disease on Sieu Som jackfruit variety, then survey the stage of infection of the pathogen and screening potential effective bactericides in prevention of the pathogen under laboratory conditions. The results have shown that the causative agent of bronzing fruit disease on “Sieu som” jackfruit variety is Pantoea stewartii using biochemical methods combined with molecular biology techniques with the specific primer pair CPSL1/CPSR2c. In addition, surveying the effectiveness of bactericide in inhibiting Pantoea stewartii bacteria in in vitro conditions, Oxolinic acid was determined has a high ability in inhibiting Pantoea stewartii compared to the remaining bactericides compounds. Keywords: Bronzing fruit disease, bacteriocide, Pantoea stewartii

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