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Tạp chí khoa học ĐHCT
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Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
18 (2024) Trang: 101464
Tạp chí: Journal of Agriculture and Food Research

This study aims to improve the quality of vermicelli products by replacing a portion of rice flour with orange-fleshed sweet potato powder at four ratios ranging from 10 % (F1) to 25 % (F4) (5 % interval), while the control sample used 100 % rice flour (F0). The products were analyzed for quality and sensory characteristics. The analysis of five vermicelli production formulas revealed that the product made from formula F3, which contains OFSP powder and rice flour at a ratio of 20:80 %, had a relatively high amount of β-carotene (9.29 μg/ g), a bright color (L* = 67.15, b* = 29.45), and a suitable hardness (46.79 g-force). The F3 sample had better cooking quality than the F0 sample, which was proved by the percentages of weight increase, volume increase, and dry matter loss of 59.88 %, 56.89 %, and 7.08 %, respectively. The estimated PRAL score of the product prepared from formula F3 was −1.45 (PRAL

Keywords: Vermicelli, orange-fleshed sweet potato, cooking quality, physical-chemical properties, sensory evaluation

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