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Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
203 (2021) Trang: 4941-4950
Tạp chí: Archives of Microbiology

Environmental factors can alter exopolysaccharide biosynthesis in lactic acid bacteria (LAB). To further clarify this potential relationship, the mRNA expression of genes involved in exopolysaccharide synthesis such as glmU, pgmB1, cps4E, cps4F, cps4J, and cps4H in Lactiplantibacillus plantarum VAL6 under diferent conditions including temperature, pH, sodium chloride (NaCl), and carbon dioxide (CO2) intensifcation culture was studied. The transcriptomic data revealed that the exposure of L. plantarum VAL6 at pH 3 increased the expression level of cps4H but decreased the expression levels of pgmB1 and cps4E. Under pH 8, cps4F and cps4E were signifcantly upregulated, whereas pgmB1 was downregulated. Similarly, the expression levels of cps4Fcps4E, and cps4J increased sharply under stresses at 42 or 47 °C. In the case of NaCl stress, glmU, pgmB1, cps4J, and cps4H were downregulated in exposure to NaCl at 7 and 10% concentrations while cps4E and cps4F were upregulated at 1 h of 10%-NaCl treatment and at 5 h of 4%-NaCl treatment. Remarkably, CO2 intensifcation culture stimulated the expression of all tested genes. In addition, simultaneous changes in expression of cps4E and cps4F under environmental challenges may elicit the possibility of an association between the two genes. These fndings indicated that the expression level of eps genes is responsible for changes in the yield and monosaccharide composition of exopolysaccharides under environmental stresses.


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