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Tạp chí khoa học ĐHCT
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Tạp chí quốc tế
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Kỷ yếu HN quốc tế
Book chapter
Bài báo - Tạp chí
14 (2021) Trang: 2672-2687
Tạp chí: AACL Bioflux

The present study evaluated the growth performance, survival rate, and digestive enzyme activities of mud crabs, Scylla paramamosain from larvae to juvenile stages in high temperatures and at different salinities. The study comprises three experiments that include theree temperature levels (27°C, 30°C, and 33°C) and two salinity levels (25‰ and 30‰). The mud crabs were fed according to their developmental stage. Thus, Artemia (umbrella stage) was used for zoeal stages, Lansy PL and Artemia for crablet 1 to crablet 5, and Artemia biomass for crablet 5 to the juvenile stage. In the nursing of mud crab, the survival rate was influenced by the temperature and salinity combinations. The survival rate was higher at the salinity of 25‰ as it follows: from zoea to megalopa (8.50%) and megalopa to crablet 1 (25.5%) in 30°C, crablet 1 to crablet 5 (27.3%) in 33°C, and crablet 5 to the juvenile (31.3%) in 27ºC. As the temperature increased, the survival rate decreased in zoea and crablet 5, however it was the opposite in megalopa and crablet 1 (survival decreased as temperature decreased). The highest growth of mud crab was observed for 33°C temperature and 25‰ salinity in all the developmental stages. Digestive enzyme activities such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, and amylase were highly active in crablet 5 and juvenile in the salinity 30‰ at temperatures 30°C and 33°C, respectively. The findings of this study indicated that the combination of the temperature and salinity does not affect significantly the digestive enzyme activities of crablet 5 and juvenile satges; and the 33°C temperatures and 25‰ salinity are suitable for nursing mud crab from megalopa to juvenile stages.


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