Page 18 - Annual Report 2022 - Can Tho University
P. 18

A preparatory step

                                                  in reforming

                                           Can Tho University

                                              n 2022, Can Tho University
                                            Ileveled up five academic units as
                                       specialized universities (called as Trường
                                     chuyên ngành in Vietnamese) including
                                   the College of Engineering, the College of
                                 Information and Communication Technology, the
                               School of Economics, the College of Agriculture, and
                             the College of Aquaculture and Fisheries. In addition,
                            the Institute of Food and Biotechnology, and the College
                          of Physical Education were also established. These changes
                        are among the preparatory steps in reforming Can Tho University
                          to a new model in accordance with Vietnam’s Law on Higher
                            Education and to become one of the leading universities in
                              the Mekong Delta region and Vietnam.

          14     ANNUAL REPORT  2022AL REPORT  2022
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