Page 5 - Annual Report 2022 - Can Tho University
P. 5


           Beginning a new stage of development
           Beginning a new stage of development

                     n 2022, Can Tho University undertook impressive and distinctive development
                   Istrides. Particularly notable is our marked improvement in the quality of education
                   and training, scientific research, and technology transfer. Specifically, the University
                   (i) had more than 10,000 graduates at all study levels, whilst 11 programs were
                   accredited according to domestic and international standards; (ii) 661 research
                   projects with a total budget of 68.5 billion VND were implemented; registered 28
                   patents for intellectual property rights; published 60 monographs, reference books,
                   and coursebooks; published 2,125 articles, including 695 articles published in
                   indexed journals by Scopus and Web of Science; (iii) appointed 4 more professors
                   and 33 more associate professors, which brought the total numbers of professors
                   and associate professors to 18 and 163, respectively; the percent of teaching staff
                   with doctorate degrees rose to 53%; (iv) the upgrading to university level of five
                   former colleges and schools; (v) opening of the Advanced Technology Laboratory
                   and the Research Laboratory Complex under the Can Tho University Improvement
                   Project using ODA loans from the Government of Japan. These accomplishments
                   demonstrate that Can Tho University has begun a new stage in its development.

                     To address regional, national and global social-economic development and
                   sustainable challenges, Can Tho University has formulated its Development Strategy,
                   for the period 2021–2025 with a vision to 2030.

                     In the next stage of its development, Can Tho University will focus on (i)
                   implementing  the  Can Tho  University  Development  Project  along  with  the
                   establishment of two new campuses in Hau Giang and Soc Trang provinces; (ii)
                   improving the effectiveness of digital transformation in governance, education and
                   training, technology transfer, and science and technology forums to highlight the
                   University’s development; (iii) strengthening program accreditation and upgrade,
                   improving teaching and training quality in line with new developments and the
                   needs of society; (iv) developing strong research teams and strengthening scientific
                   publications, registering intellectual property rights, and transferring source
                   technologies  (spin-offs); (v) continuing to train high-qualified staff for emerging and
                   prioritized fields.

                     Can Tho University is dedicated to strengthening its relationships, both locally and
                   globally, to develop in scope and depth to address tomorrow’s emerging challenges
                   and to “be the difference” in development.

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