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Tạp chí khoa học ĐHCT
Tạp chí tiếng anh ĐHCT
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Tạp chí quốc tế
Kỷ yếu HN trong nước
Kỷ yếu HN quốc tế
Book chapter
Tạp chí trong nước 2023
Số tạp chí 8(2023) Trang: 140-157
Tạp chí: European Journal of Alternative Education Studies
Liên kết:

The research on the topic has systematized the theoretical basis of students' skills to cope with stress in learning. Currently, students face a lot of pressure and stress in their studies, so coping skills are an extremely important issue and need attention. The study presents the manifestations of skills to cope with stress in the learning of students of School of Education at Can Tho University (CTU), Vietnam. The research mainly uses a questionnaire survey method with 400 students from various fields of study, SoE, CTU. According to survey results, there were many manifestations of stress that students encountered. The survey results are the basis for finding the causes so students can plan and manage their time, set specific goals to find effective remedies, adapt and manage better emotions. From the current situation of the problem, the study has proposed measures to support students' skills to cope with stress in their studies. This study provides recommendations to deploy and apply the research results to Can Tho University lecturers and students as well

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Vietnamese | English

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