equipped farmers with necessary science following aspects: management, planning,
and technology knowledge to apply in their teaching,
farming and ranching. Results of national and scientific research conduction, application of
international cooperative research programs scientific and technological advances, update
and projects have been applied in innovation of science and technology information, and
of teaching methods, reference materials, supplement of facilities and equipment.
curriculum development, educational quality In the period 2016-2020 with a vision
management; and promoted production towards 2030, the activities of science and
and export to gradually improve the living technology will be popularized; besides
standards of people in the region. The studies promoting
with good results transferred to farmers can transferring technology directly to the
be listed as: handling disease and breeding localities and businesses; promoting scientific
high-yield rice varieties; transferring effective and technological services; developing
farming techniques to significantly increase collaborative relationships with local
rice production for export; studying various authorities, research institutes, universities,
varieties of vegetables and livestock (buffalos, enterprises and manufacturing factories at
cows, crossbred cows, goats and poultries, home and abroad. Taking the advantages of
etc); and popularizing farming and breeding a multi-disciplinary university, CTU focuses
techniques to farmers. With research on 05 priority areas in scientific research,
programs on fruit trees, the University has including: (1) high-tech application in
greatly contributed to enhancing the qualities agriculture, aquaculture and environment; (2)
of fruits, fruit processing and preservation. study of education, society and humanities;
In aquaculture and fisheries, the University (3) engineering technology and application of
has studied varieties of shrimps; freshwater, information and communication technology;
saltwater and brackish fish, and local fish in (4) sustainable management and use of
the region; especially artificially breeded natural resources; and (5) research and
pangasius fish; which are able to prevent development of economics and market. With
diseases, adapt to different ecological technology transfer activities, it concentrates
environments, and have high yields with on (1) developing training services; (2)
good quality and stable consumption market. promoting business incubation program;
Supported by EEC, FAO, Christopher Reynolds (3) developing research findings to create
Foundation, IRRI, and local authorities, CTU scientific and technological products; (4)
has cooperated with universities at home and diversifying industrial technological products;
abroad to successfully implement research (5) promoting technology transfer for rural
programs such as baseline survey of the MD; mountainous areas with socio-economic
study of alkaline soil; study and production difficulties; and (6) strengthening research
of artemia; development of freshwater fish and technology transfer (on agriculture,
breeding techniques, etc. Hence, those aquaculture, biotechnology, food processing,
programs have benefited the University's electronics,