the credit-based training system, the training develop standardized undergraduate training
scale of CTU is constantly increasing. At the programs; strengthen cooperative training
present, CTU has more than 60,000 learners, at home and abroad; develop international
including 141 college students, 56,594 graduate training programs; accelerate
undergraduate students, 3,014 master the application of technology in distance
students and 341 doctoral students.
training; strengthen inspection activities;
In the coming time, CTU continues to perfect quality assurance activities; promote
adjust and expand disciplines, scale, and consultancy and support for learners; and
types of training at all levels based on the computerize training management system.
social needs, the regional orientation of With the interests and support of the
development and integration; develop and Government, Ministries and Agencies, local
innovate the contents of training programs in authorities, organizations and individuals
line with the objectives to develop learners' inside and outside the country, CTU will
competence and qualities; adjust teaching continue to promote the advantages and
strengthen improve the capabilities to perform training
teaching aids and learning resources to serve missions of high quality human resources for
the needs of teaching and learning towards the development of the high potential region
developing learners' qualities and capacities; of MD.