TheMekongDelta(MD)region,with and administration, law, education, social
an area of approximately 4 million sciences and humanities, foreign languages
hectares, is inhabited by 17.5 million and tourism.
people. The economic contribution of the MD From the school year 2007-2008, the
is about 18.5% of the country's GDP. Known University
as an agricultural and fishery production credit-based training system. Accordingly,
region, the MD continuously develops learners can choose suitable full-time or
high-tech agriculture, trade, services, and part-time types of training in line with
industry. However, the low percentage of the their conditions and capacities. Then, in
human resources with technical expertise the process of learning, they are advised
at higher education level poses a major and expected to proactively establish the
challenge for the development of the whole schedules for each semester and the whole
region. Therefore, human resources are a top course. The curricula and courses' syllabi
priority issue in policies and socio-economic are regularly updated to meet the needs of
development plan of the Southwestern learners and labor market. Teaching and
assessment methods are innovated based on
Can Tho University (CTU) was founded in student-centered orientation. The training
1966, formerly known as Can Tho Institute program outcomes are publicized and
with the main campus located in Can Tho committed by the University to offer learners
city, the economic center of the MD. Today, with a broad spectrum of friendly, disciplined
CTU is one of the leading multi-disciplinary and active academic environments to fully
higher education institutions of Vietnam to develop their competence and qualities. With
carry out the missions of training, scientific the innovation to meet the requirements of
research, technology transfer and services credit-based training system, governance
to promote the socio-economic and cultural capacity and effective use of faculty resources
growth of the region particularly and the and facilities of the University are elevated, to
country generally.
further facilitate integration process into the
In 50 years, CTU has continuously developed regional and international education system.
and trained high-level human resources in To promote the advantages of this training
multi-disciplines and sectors. By the end system for students, CTU has continually
of 2015, CTU has trained 1,090 collegiate developed teaching staff, facilities, library
engineers, 142,578 bachelors, 7,228 masters systems and e-learning resources; constructed
and 67 doctors.
training quality assurance system; and
Currently, CTU is offering a wide spectrum of promoted scientific research and cooperation
training disciplines, encompassing 2 college inside and outside the country. Information
programs, 96 undergraduate programs, 38 technology equipments and network systems
master and 15 doctoral programs in the are strongly invested, associated with the
fields of agriculture, aquaculture, natural Integrated Information System developed by
sciences, environment and natural resources, the University to promote computerization in
engineering and technology, information training and management efficiency.
technology, construction, economics, business With the successes in the implementation of