In 1989, when Mr. Pham Son Khai cooperation had brought a lot of important
successfully finished the leadership role and programs and projects to create premises for
retired in accordance with the guidelines of the development of CTU until the present
the Ministry of Education and Training; Prof. time such as MHO Program funded by Dutch
Dr. Tran Phuoc Duong was directly elected Government (about 13 million euros), VLIR
to be the Rector of CTU and straightaway Program funded by Belgian Government
implemented innovation policy. CTU's leader (about 6.7 million euros), the Project to
took advantages of the national renewal build facilities and equipment for College of
and new context of world cooperation to Agriculture and Applied Biology sponsored
comprehensively reform the University to by Japanese Government (about 23 million
become an advanced higher education USD).
and graduate training institution on a par Those successes created a solid basis for the
with regional and international universities. enhancement of CTU in the following stages.
CTU changed the organizational structure Rector Tran Thuong Tuan in his tenure from
into 03 blocks: schools and colleges for 1997 to 2002 continued to promote domestic
training; institutes and centers for scientific and international cooperative activities for
research, technology transfer and services; training and scientific research, and innovate
and departments for management, especially, teaching methods to improve training
merged several small-scale faculties into a qualities. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Quang Minh
large-scale one (i.e. College of Agriculture, in the 2002-2006 tenure also promoted the
School of Education) to effectively use staff missionoffosteringthegrowthoftheUniversity
resources, facilities; and facilitate international by the expansion of local and international
cooperation. Mekong 1000 Program has
been launched, using the budgets of the
localities to train human resources then serve
the high needs for qualified officials in the MD
region (with a total amount of 20.3 million
USD by February 2016). Learning Resource
Center Construction Project was sponsored
by Atlantic Philanthropies through RMIT
University (with a budget of 9 million USD);
Higher Education Project was supported
by World Bank (approximately 8.5 million
USD). Those were outstanding cooperation,
contributing to the development of human
resources and facilities for the University and
localities. Within this decade (1997-2006)
Staff and students in the campaign to prevent
CTU had recorded remarkable progress in
brown plant hopper outbreak in 1979
developing high-quality personnel, scientific
In the term 1989-1997, Rector Tran Phuoc study, and technology transfer; once again
Duong had promoted many cooperative the crucial role of CTU in the development of
activities with domestic and international the MD region was bolded.
enhanced However, in the context of globalization,
capacities, professional qualifications for the rapid development of high-tech,
staff and employees; increased investment knowledge-based economy, and the process
in infrastructures; improved the quality of of industrialization-modernization requires
training; and promoted scientific research and CTU to make greater efforts to effectively
technology transfer. As a result, international meet the needs for human resources and